When I was buying a ticket online for the Van Gogh Museum, I saw an ad for something called “Taste of Amsterdam.” How could I resist? The event was held in a large, gorgeous park, and included a market as well as a food festival with food, drink, music and dancing. The entrance fee was minimal, and you paid for small plates.
When I walked into the festival, I shouted to myself, “Yes! This is my JAM!!!” Which is something I have never said in my life.
There was a lot of Italian, middle eastern, and especially Indonesian food. One man was making Takoyaki, which he billed as “Japanese Poffertjes.”
I tried some Iberico cold cuts and croquetas from Pikoteo.
I enjoyed a BBQ sandwich from Pig n Punch.
This chef also created dishes that fooled the eye, looking like one thing when it was really another, like this vegetarian Coquilles St Jacques.
When I asked people about Dutch cuisine they laughed and said there is no such thing. They said the only native dish was “stamppot,” where you just mix the meat and potatoes and everything together.
There was a band playing “Sweet Caroline,” and suddenly, all around me, every single person sang the daa daaa daaah” part.
And what’s a party without a guy with a chicken?
A fun event all around.