Oh my God! I am hysterical! That latte probably didn’t help.
To some people Thanksgiving is one of their favorite days, but for me, today is the day. I have a giant, sparkling clean kitchen all to myself. My garden is full of herbs, my fridge is packed with gorgeous produce, and I have all day to go crazy!
I feel like an actor about to go out on stage. I love the pressure. Plus this year we have a new relative (Hi Ainsley!) and some new guests (Hi random Scottish people!) to impress. So we have to put on a really big show! With fireworks! And a chorus line!
This writer on Slate has a world-weary take on the holiday. The writer frets that no one wants to try their exciting new recipes because there will be mutiny if time-honored traditions aren’t followed.
In our house, you are allowed to get weird with the side dishes. The year we smoked the turkey is the only year anyone caused a ruckus, but I loved it. For a few years we had 2 turkeys – one roasted, one smoked, before the traditionalists won out. As long as we have a turkey, mashed potatoes and stuffing, we can go all Gourmet Magazine on the side dishes – and I do. The only thing they will not tolerate is any form of yams.
As for running out of ideas, I’ve been blogging for less than 2 years, so I haven’t had time to use up my good stuff yet. I’m still teaching beginners. I have not even exhausted my repetoire of side dishes.
Now let’s get out there, roll up our sleeves and cook the fuck out of this holiday!!!