Bergen: The Never-Ending Bowl of Soup

Olive Garden has nothing on these people. I was wandering around looking for a place for lunch and saw a Mexican restaurant. Whaaat? But I saw camarones al mojo de ajo and that sounded so good. So did a margarita, but what was I thinking, of course I can’t have a margarita.

The decor would interest my friend Linda.

Teaching them to make iced tea. One. restaurant. at. a. time. Someday they will write songs about me.

The mojo de ajo was an appetizer, Look at that. Alfalfa sprouts! It was OK, the shrimp here are awesome, but it was not al mojo de ajo.

So, I gave in to my surroundings and ordered the famous local fish soup (fiskesuppe). In a Mexican restaurant. It was HUGE. I gestured to the server that she had to help me eat it and she laughed. The broth was thinner than clam chowder, seasoned with dill. It was crammed full of both bay shrimp and jumbo shrimp, plus a little salmon and probably cod. I started eating it.

I kept eating and eating but there was never less soup. I asked if it was supposed to be split between four people, again making her laugh. It became like a curse. Would this bowl ever end?

Could I ever stop eating it??? Would I be eating this fish soup for the rest of my life???

After a half an hour I gave up and the bowl was at the same exact level of fullness. I asked her if they had cats and to make sure it didn’t go to waste.

Somewhere in a parallel universe I am still eating that soup.

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One Response to Bergen: The Never-Ending Bowl of Soup

  1. Linda says:

    OMG this is so awesome ❤️‍🔥✊🏽💋

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