Norway: Bergen’s Magic Hotel is Craaazy

OK, so I had to move hotels due to the complicated juggling we had to do in the wake of my hospitalization. I came to the Magic Hotel (K..K something…Magic Hotel Kierkegaard? Kunterhurst?) to drop my bags and they said they had my room ready. Already. At 1230 they had my room ready! So I went up the elevator and walked into a maze. The hallways are zig zags and some doors are actual MIRRORS so it looks like a hall…but it’s noooot!

One elevator is busted, so you have to search for the other one. When I came out of the elevator once, a man ran into it with a mad, crazed look in his eyes like he had been lost for hours.

The secret is that the guest floors are each a circle made of zig zags. So, if you just keep walking eventually you will end up where you want to be. That last sentence sounded very Alice in Wonderland. I’m picking up the vibes.

My room’s vibes are Cafe Flesh and the Red Room from Twin Peaks. Maybe a little New Wave. The carpet’s optical illusion works really well in this first shot. I’m glad I didn’t bring Space Bars.

My windows open into the courtyard, so not a lot of privacy, and I never know if I’m raining (although the answer here is usually YES. They don’t even mention it, like if it rained like this in LA it’s all we would talk about). BUT I can watch the kitchen!!!

I could wash a baby in this sink. Yeah, sink, not tub.

So far it is quiet, good wifi signal and the bed is comfy. That is all.

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