Oslo: Here we Are!

What a crazy few days of jetlag. We arrived around 5pm yesterday and I was knocked out. I had taken a back pain pill to sleep on the plane. Bob’s mom arrived around midnight and they went and hung out. Our single beds have these plush fake down beds on top of the bed, and they slid around. Think nylon sleeping bags on stairs. So I slid off the bed twice. Otherwise it’s a very nice place. I also went from 98 degree weather to 58 degree weather, which is refreshing but weird.

I have two q2uestions I ask myself when I am in a new place:

Do people look at you or smile or greet you when you pass?

Norwegians not only look at you, they openly stare at you. But it is kind of a frank, open look with no judgement, just a vague bit of curiosity. Mostly men stare at me, but their eyes never leave your face. (After 2 weeks I had only seen one other redhead, and I dye mine a bright color, so I realized that was probably the cause for all the staring).

The buffet breakfast was even more elaborate than others we have seen. And they say Americans eat too much! I love beans and eggs, plus they had my weakness…Swedish pancakes! I was not into the liverwurst or pickled fish, but Bridin was.

I LOVE beans and eggs! Maybe it’s my British heritage or maybe it’s Anne Margaret.

We need to talk about the brown cheese, or brunost, as it is more appetizingly called. It is the pride of Norway, produced on mountain farms. One would expect it to be strong and dark, but it is very mild and creamy. It is lightly caramelized, almost like dulce de leche, and it is eaten in small amounts. It was originally a way to be frugal and use up natural by-products. The cheese is made with whey, milk and cream from goats and cows. It varies by brand and farm.

Then we just slept the Jet Lag on and off. We woke up in time to have tapas at La Sangria. It was very authentically Spanish and very dusty. I realllyyyyy liked the Spanish tortilla. It’s more like a frittata full of potatoes. My old roommate taught me how to make it. The meatballs and bacala were really good. Bob liked the wings. There was also charcuterie, a decent beef stew and so. many. olives.

I got back into bed and woke up on the floor between the beds. Then I had a dream that my brother Greg’s ghost was teasing me and I ran at him, like, “I’ll get YOOUUU!!!” and I reached out the snatch himm but he dissipated into Scooby Doo smoke. And then I hurt so bad. I had violently thrown myself off the bed. It felt like someone socked me in the jaw and I hurt my shoulder and hip. We pushed the beds together to try to fix it, but I just slid down between the beds. Considering some of the horror stories you read about what is under hotel beds, I was grateful I didn’t land on a dead body. I took the slippery featherbed off and slept just fine right on the bed thing. Finally we were moved into a normal room with an awesome view.

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