Pig Dogs and Purse Cakes

There is a bakery on Glenoaks called Paradise Pastry and Cafe. It is a land of wonder, with a hot deli, cold deli. meat market, and import shop. If you need foie gras, veal sweetbreads, back bacon or yogurt soda, this is the place to go. In the Armenian bakery you can get nazook still warm from the oven and a huge assortment of French pastries.

The most amazing thing about Paradise Bakery for me is their cake styling. The two most popular cakes are purses and a little cuddly creature who may be a dog, but has piglike features. To me he will always be the pig dog.

And what is this? A guinea piglet?

And then every once in a while they really go ouside the box.

And some of their cakes are really beautiful

About Kiki Maraschino

I like catfish. Sure, we all like catfish, but I think for me it is somehow deeper.
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2 Responses to Pig Dogs and Purse Cakes

  1. g and h says:

    i'm lovin' these cakes…although i must admit the animal cakes are a little scary. have you tasted them? might have to cheat on porto's next time i order a cake.


  2. Kiki Maraschino says:

    Yeah, I think it's gonna have to be a pig dog this year so we can test one out.

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